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The 6-Step Process for Buying and Installing Solar

In a world increasingly concerned about climate change and sustainability, solar power has emerged as a beacon of hope for a cleaner, greener, and more cost-effective future. Verde Solar Power stands at the forefront of this revolution, offering reliable solar solutions to empower individuals and our local communities.

The great news is that you can make a difference – if you’re looking to make the transition to a more sustainable lifestyle, read on about the 6-step process for buying and installing solar.

Why Choose Solar Power?

saving with solar power

Environmental benefits

Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating environmental impact. By harnessing the power of the sun, we contribute to a healthier planet, fostering a sustainable ecosystem for future generations. To start, break out your notepad and compare the pros and cons of solar power.

Long-term cost savings

Investing in solar power means substantial long-term cost savings. Thankfully, we did the work for you with a comprehensive breakdown of the real cost savings of going solar. With reduced energy bills and Arizona’s incentives and rebates, solar power is an economically sound and environmentally friendly choice.

Energy independence

Energy independence, in short, is the ability to meet people’s energy needs without relying on external sources (like APS). Embracing solar power allows individuals to take control of their energy needs, fostering independence from traditional energy sources. 

Government incentives and rebates

Arizona recognizes the importance of the transition to renewable energy. These financial benefits, incentives, and rebates make the switch to solar power even more enticing.

The Process of Buying and Installing Solar

1. Asses Your Home’s Needs and Solar Potential

power needs

Embarking on the solar journey begins with a comprehensive assessment of your home’s solar potential. Understanding your energy needs is the first step in determining the right solar solution for you. This means evaluating your roof’s suitability for solar panel installation. 

If your roof requires maintenance or replacement, address these issues first to ensure a solid foundation for your solar investment. Consider the local climate and sunlight conditions, as these factors play a role in optimizing the efficiency of your solar power system (not a problem in sunny Arizona!). Lastly, identify available space for solar panel installation to tailor the system to your unique requirements.

2. Choose the Right System

Navigating the world of solar energy systems can be overwhelming, but our team at Verde Solar Power is here to guide you. Understanding the distinctions between on-grid and hybrid systems is key to making an informed decision:

  • An on-grid system is connected to the conventional electrical grid, allowing you to draw power from the grid when needed and feed excess energy back into it. 
  • A hybrid system combines solar panels with an additional power source, such as a battery or generator, providing a reliable power supply even during grid outages (blackouts). 

Feel overwhelming? Don’t worry – Verde Solar Power’s experts are here to help you assess your needs to determine which system aligns with your goals.

3. Calculate the Costs

Verde Solar Power Solar Sale

With your solar needs identified, it’s time to crunch the numbers. We provide a free and transparent quote on upfront costs (with no hidden fees), with the average expense for a home solar system starting at around $20,000. With monthly energy bill savings and incentives, this pays for itself in about 6-8 years. 

Solar Financing

"The goal is to help people with affordability, encourage energy efficiency to reduce climate change, and support renewable energy and reduce people's needs to purchase electricity."

Our team here at Verde Solar Power assists in exploring various financing avenues, including federal tax credits and residential energy credits

On a mission to make solar power more affordable and accessible, we also partner with the Federal Housing Administration to offer solar financing resources.

4. Get Your Quote and Design Your System

Now that the financial aspects are clearer, it’s time to select a solar installation company. Conduct thorough research by:

  • Examining local providers – do you want a local company?
  • Verifying credentials – are they NABCEP certified? Greg from Verde Solar Power is the only NABCEP-certified installer in the Verde Valley!
  • Reading customer reviews. 
  • Engaging in discussions with potential installers about warranty options, guaranteeing the longevity and performance of your solar power system.

The exciting phase of turning your solar dreams into reality kicks off with a site visit from the chosen installer. This visit includes an assessment of the roof condition and structure, paving the way for the design of the optimal solar panel layout for your home. 

5. Get Your Solar Installed

man installing solar power

Finalizing the system design and obtaining necessary permits follow suit. Our team keeps you informed about the installation timeline and what to expect at each stage. This encompasses mounting the solar panels, connecting the electrical components, conducting quality checks, and thorough system testing. The coordination with your local utility company, inspection, and approval processes are seamlessly managed by Verde Solar Power, ensuring a hassle-free activation of your solar power system.

6. Enjoy Savings and Going Green!

As your solar power system comes to life, bask in the immediate benefits of reduced energy bills and a smaller environmental footprint. Plus, there’s little to no maintenance required, allowing you to enjoy the long-term advantages of solar power with ease. It’s not just about savings; it’s about contributing to a sustainable future while enjoying the perks of energy independence.

Never Go Solar Without a Verde Solar Power Quote

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Never embark on the solar journey without a Verde Solar Power quote. Contact us today to receive a personalized quote and take the first step towards a brighter, more independent energy future.